Sunday, December 13, 2009

'Tis The Season!

Blogging has been scarce lately due to my busy, busy schedule. I have been Christmas gift knitting like a madwoman. Above is the latest project I've cast on, just for me! I've been thinking "scarf" for myself for a while now - in the midst of all my Christmas knitting, since I really only have the Clapotis that I knit myself a couple years ago, and I wear that thing out - snags and everything! So Saroyan is next for me, and I'm knitting it in red Silky Wool so that The Boy and I will match in our winter gear. We have a brown and red thang goin' on, and this will help me stick to the dress code! LOL. Excuse the crumbs on the corner of his mouth - this was just after breakfast this morning. He's showing off my progress as of midnight last night, after leaving a fellow knitter's house for knitting and chit-chat. Love those nights!

Here's some of the Christmas gifts I've accomplished so far, pre-blocking. They are, from the top left: a scarf done in Alpaca Seta (MUST get more of this yarn - yum-o!!), Trilobite for a big-headed kid I know. . . and a prayer shawl for a co-worker. I was quite proud of myself for the scarf, since I just looked at a stitch pattern book, chose an edge I liked, guessed how many stitches would make a cute scarf, and went to town. I even managed to finish the bind-off edge on my own after losing the pattern book in a corner of my bedroom! Yay me!

They look much better (but I take a crappier picture, apparently), AFTER blocking.

I can't wait to deliver the prayer shawl to my co-worker/friend. She always admires my knitting and had a bit of a rough time last year, so I thought she was definitely due!

The hat you'll see modeled after the big day, I'm sure!! LOL.

And, last but not least, we FINALLY found a non-rainy, non-puddle day to get Molly together with her friend Cricket (who is still a puppy). Molly is on the right. The 'puppy' is on the left. He's a big galumpus, and so, so friendly! They had a great time running around the dog park together!

I'm off to finish some Christmas shopping in the rain, then come home to put up our tree! Yay - now I can wrap what's hidden in my room!! Now when am I going to have the time for that . . . ???



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