Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hope your day is happy. Hope you got a reaction like this somehow, some way today.

Harry Potter and a handknit, beaded scarf (that my sister knit) did it this year for my mom. Score!!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Mother Nature ROCKS!

Thank you, Mother Nature, for helping to make my Winter Break the length that it SHOULD have been in the first place.

A little "extra" snow never hurt during Christmas Vacation, ya know! For the record, we got 18 inches total in our yard!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Weather Outside

. . . makes me glad I'm inside for the day!

We are having a "weather event" here - according to the media, and what you see is a good foot of snow on top of our four (yes, four - there's a Subaru Outback behind the tan Camry if you can believe it - but it's had the snow cleared off of it!) vehicles. See how the wiper blades barely stick up out of the snow on the Camry?? I do believe those are 17 inch blades. Just sayin'.

Soooo, what have I been up to today? A little Facebook, a little knitting (while LOST plays in the background - gotta get ready for season 6!), a little spinning, and a lot of hot liquids. My first graders gave me a cold, so I'm mad at them. Good thing I don't have a hot date this weekend. Heh.

I've finished the Christmas knitting - cranked out another "Boyfriend" hat for my uncle, and I declare myself officially done. Back to knitting for myself. I really, really want to knit something comfy for myself for around the house. It's clear that knitting to wear to work is futile - the boilers in our building are monsters. I've been wearing my Fall shirts since August!

So now, I want to knit comfy and warm stuff for me to hang out here, since hanging out here (or somewhere that I can dress equally as comfy) is what I seem to do. I've got two sweaters started, but my knitting mojo for sweaters has just left me - something always gets in the way of me finishing and wearing these lovely patterns.

Maybe the snow will send me good vibes, but for now, I'll just keep knitting Saroyan, spinning away like mad, and planning all the comfy "home" sweaters I want to knit.

By the way - did you hear about the plan that Pluckyfluff has for an art show? If you're a spinner and ever thought that your craft was more of an artform, you need to check this out! Then, start spinning and join in. I plan to spin a skein for the project, and I think you should too. If you don't know how to spin, then you should learn. It's fun, and just about as addicting as knitting.

But don't let that deter you. You CAN have more than one legal addiction in life and still be fine.

At least that's what my therapist tells me. She works at a yarn shop. Think I should trust her?


Sunday, December 13, 2009

'Tis The Season!

Blogging has been scarce lately due to my busy, busy schedule. I have been Christmas gift knitting like a madwoman. Above is the latest project I've cast on, just for me! I've been thinking "scarf" for myself for a while now - in the midst of all my Christmas knitting, since I really only have the Clapotis that I knit myself a couple years ago, and I wear that thing out - snags and everything! So Saroyan is next for me, and I'm knitting it in red Silky Wool so that The Boy and I will match in our winter gear. We have a brown and red thang goin' on, and this will help me stick to the dress code! LOL. Excuse the crumbs on the corner of his mouth - this was just after breakfast this morning. He's showing off my progress as of midnight last night, after leaving a fellow knitter's house for knitting and chit-chat. Love those nights!

Here's some of the Christmas gifts I've accomplished so far, pre-blocking. They are, from the top left: a scarf done in Alpaca Seta (MUST get more of this yarn - yum-o!!), Trilobite for a big-headed kid I know. . . and a prayer shawl for a co-worker. I was quite proud of myself for the scarf, since I just looked at a stitch pattern book, chose an edge I liked, guessed how many stitches would make a cute scarf, and went to town. I even managed to finish the bind-off edge on my own after losing the pattern book in a corner of my bedroom! Yay me!

They look much better (but I take a crappier picture, apparently), AFTER blocking.

I can't wait to deliver the prayer shawl to my co-worker/friend. She always admires my knitting and had a bit of a rough time last year, so I thought she was definitely due!

The hat you'll see modeled after the big day, I'm sure!! LOL.

And, last but not least, we FINALLY found a non-rainy, non-puddle day to get Molly together with her friend Cricket (who is still a puppy). Molly is on the right. The 'puppy' is on the left. He's a big galumpus, and so, so friendly! They had a great time running around the dog park together!

I'm off to finish some Christmas shopping in the rain, then come home to put up our tree! Yay - now I can wrap what's hidden in my room!! Now when am I going to have the time for that . . . ???
