Saturday, January 03, 2009

Be My Valentine, 2009

So, if you're on Ravelry and up for a cute swap, go join the Be My Valentine group. It's a knitterly swap for Valentine's Day. And a sure way to make sure that no one or nothing ruins your V-Day, cause - YOU GET A YUMMY PACKAGE!!!!

For Valentine's Day, I'm kinda like the kid on Polar Express - it just doesn't work out for me. Not even when I'm in a relationship have I ever had a good Valentine's Day. The one time it was all set up to work, HUGE ice storm and I couldn't go anywhere or get anything (like the roses that were sent!). Oy. Story of my life. Sooooooo. . . Me likey the Be My Valentine swap!!!!

Pre-P.S. - My wheel came today - look out tomorrow for pictures of it, and some of my first wheel-spun yarn!!!!!

Here's the 2009 questionnaire:

2. Are you mainly a crocheter and/or a knitter? Knitter
1. Are you a spinner? Would you prefer roving or yarn in your package? Yes I am a spinner. I’d love either, maybe leaning towards roving since I’m a new wheel owner and very excited!!!!
2. Do you prefer to crochet or knit with fine thread, lace-weight or thicker yarn? I tend to gravitate towards sport/DK weight, or worsted.
3. If someone were to send yarn, would you prefer several different skeins of yarn with a variation of colours and fibres or would you prefer all to be one and the same? I like “lots” of yarn – enough to complete at least one small project. Random skeins tend to not get used. :O(
4. Do you have any favourite projects? (As in, do you prefer to knit or crochet afghans, pot holders, sweaters, mittens or socks, or amigurumis? Or … what else?) I’m a sweater person, mainly these days, but shawls/scarves run a close second.
5. Would you consider your skills to be newbie, intermediate or advanced? Intermediate/advanced.
6. Which are your favourite yarns? (fibres, brands, colorways) LOVE Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece as a staple yarn, collecting Noro Silk Garden to do a luxury Lizard Ridge. Pretty much, though, I'm non-discriminatory - I love all yarns!!!
7. What are your favourite colors? Autumnal colors – greens, deep reds, brown.
8. How interested are you in patterns? Can you read any language besides English? Can you read diagrams even if the pattern is written in another language? I collect patterns to use up my stash. I can only read English, and I’m not that great with diagrams.
9. Dyeing? Any particular item in this area you would find appealing? I’ve dabbled with Kool-Aid dyeing, but don’t have the space or tools to do the high-tech chemical stuff. I’m very interested in Natural Dyeing, after reading the Interweave Press book.
10. Are you in need of any particular knitting or crocheting supplies? Or do you crave something in particular, a hand made crochet hook or perhaps wooden needles? A special book or magazine? I always say I want to have at least 10 more of those hanging row counters, because it always seems as if it’s in use somewhere else when I want it for another project, or need to loan it out to someone.
11. Fiber Allergies? (We wouldn’t want to send wool yarn to someone allergic to wool) Not allergic, but very sensitive to wool (Misti Alpaca Chunky I can't wear next to my skin - OY!). I usually only knit with merino or wool blends for next-to-the-skin projects.
About me:
14. Why is Valentine’s Day special to you? I’m in “love” with falling in love, even though my the love of MY life is a soon-to-be seven year old!!
1. Is there any particular item or symbol that particularly says Valentine’s Day for you? Hearts, definitely.
2. Do you use hair pins, scrunchies and hair bands? Hair bands when I’m having a bad hair day and need to get it away from my face. Occasionally pins to hold pieces back on special occasions. Earrings pierced or unpierced? Pierced ears. Necklaces or bracelets? Brooches? Yes to necklaces and bracelets, no to brooches.
3. Do you like vintage stuff? Yes Thrifting? Yes
4. Do you do other crafts? Not currently. Fiber arts are my obsession.
5. Are you a collector of something in particular . Turtles!!!
6. Dark or milk chocolate? Or (god forbid) no chocolate at all? Any, although I feel better about eating it if it’s dark.
7. Favorite candy? Tie between Junior Mints and Skittles.
8. Favorite anything from another country? Umm . . . curry????
9. Coffee? Definitely. Beans or ground? Ground, although a little grinder with some beans would be welcome, too! Tea? Love tea, too. Bags or loose? Either. Any particular favourites? Jasmine tea balls are always nice. Hold on while I go brew a cup. . .
10. Favorite fragrance(s)? Lavendar.
11. Allergies, food intolerances? Mushrooms (not very Valentine-y, right?)
12. Maybe it’s impertinent to ask but it could be interesting for your swap partner to know how old you are? Old enough.
13. Do you have kids and/or pets? One kid – 7 year old boy, and one standard poodle (female).
14. Is there anything else you would like to add that you think your swap partner needs to know about you? I think that covers it.
15. If your swap partner messes up and needs to send you a gift certificate – what on-line store would you like it for: The Woolery, or Crown Mountain Fibers.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good answers! I am passing on all swaps this go around because of the pending move and limited funds due to NUMEROUS vacations on my part this year : )

12:02 PM  

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