Saturday, December 20, 2008

Big Time Catch-Up

This is what I've been working on, in between sleeping and working (and not much else) for the last two weeks. And, thanks to books-on-tape (Pride and Prejudice at the moment - hilarious!) and a bit of insomnia Thursday night, I think I just may make it!!! I plan to finish the knitting tonight, and begin the sewing/crochet work tomorrow. I have chosen a teal colored Wool of the Andes (KP yarn) to do the dirty work. Some of my least favorite things in the crafting world? Sewing and crochet. Sometimes I hate the finishing. Good thing I like the knitting so much!

All laid out like that on the couch, I've decided that the three panels (plus a bit of extra on the side edges for safe-keeping) will be fine for a throw. Hope The Boy likes his gift. I really liked knitting it!!!

Watch the news much? It's normally background noise as I unwind from work and get settled. So, Friday after work, I was watching the ABC evening news, and Charles Gibson (anyone else remember calling him "Charlie" for years and years?????) started in on his "Persons of the Year" bit. The interview started, and I looked up from knitting (the blanket above, in fact!) and thought - hey, that guy looks really familiar. Well, come to find out, there's a good reason. Apparently, some old, old, old (and I'm talking like 20-some years ago now) classmates of mine, Drs. Vince and Vance Moss, have been doing wonderful things with their lives. No surprise, really - they always had their acts together, came from a great family, etc, etc. I always did have a little bit of a crush on Vince. **sigh** I wonder if Vance would still hate it if I called him "Vancent"????

Here's the video clip (I hope): Enjoy.



Blogger Susan said...

That's pretty neat. I can see why you had a crush on Vince -- but how could you tell them apart?

12:54 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Ah. . . I could always tell! They don't look EXACTLY alike!!!

2:34 PM  

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