Monday, December 10, 2007

Not Gonna Be Long

I've come to the conclusion that it's going to be even sooner than I originally thought before The Boy knows more than me. If we're talkin' logical/mathematic thinking, it's going to be even sooner!

I spent my Saturday morning at "Montessori University," finding out about his upcoming year(s) with Montessori education. He moves from the Primary grades to Lower Elementary next year. The icing on the cake, the cherry on the sundae, the piez-de-resistance? Take a look:

This is the way he'll be doing math (make that DIVISION) beginning next year. And yes, if you look closely, they work with numbers up to 1,000,000.

Oh. My. Goodness. I prayed and prayed that the teacher wouldn't call on me to be the gently guided "student" during the presentation, because I didn't want to look like a complete fool in front of everyone!

I sure hope he pays attention so that he can teach me what he's doing!!! No. Clue.

Other than that, I really loved the way the language and Great Lessons were presented. I'm going to ask for a tutoring session on the grammar because it's just too cool and makes perfect sense! I love it and want to use it in my classroom! Why oh why didn't I go into Montessori education? Maybe when I grow up.

Other than that, this weekend I spent a short amount of time knitting on the "Skater Boy" sweater for The Boy. Still don't have any good pictures. Need new batteries for my camera. Either that or a new camera. We'll see what Santa says.

I also started a scarf for my mother. I'm using Misti Alpaca Chunky, and I'm in love! That stuff is gorgeous. But I didn't really need to say that, did I? Misti Alpaca is 'nuff said! I'm doing the "Faux Lace Scarf" pattern from Crazy Aunt Purl. She rocks! I just finished her book "Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair" and I'm really sad. To be finished the book, that is! She's really got a great sense of humor. I was allowing myself a "chapter" a day (more like a blog-post), and when I reached the last chapter, I was sad!

I love her viewpoints and can relate sooooooooo very much. Not just with the divorce, because I feel like I didn't have much of a marriage left, so the divorce wasn't the surprise for me. The end of my last relationship is what I'm still dwelling on, and so many of her points hit home with me. I felt like she was there to commiserate with me, but also to kick me in the pants and say, "OK, finished crying yet? Now pick up your chin and knit, do yoga, take good care of your son, be Teacher of The Year, whatever you need to do to get "you" back, and MOVE ON, DAMMIT!" Thanks for the kick in the pants, Laurie!

For those of you who aren't familiar with her already, go visit her blog. She's hilarious, and she's got a contest going! Good luck!



Blogger Robin said...

The info about Montessori methods is really interesting - I had never heard anything about it before. I hope you'll keep us posted on what your son learns and the ways he's learning it!

Misti Alpaca is the best! Especially Chunky Misti Alpaca - I am thinking I'm going to unravel the bottom of my Juliet (knit with chunky Catalina Alpaca) and make it longer so it's more wearable. Or maybe I will just frog it and use that luscious alpaca for something else.

I will add Crazy Aunt Purl's book to my wish list - glad to hear it is good! I really am enjoying "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert - there is a lot in that book about moving on and letting go too. I think you would like it.

I tagged you for a meme - come by my blog for details!

8:10 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I too am reading Eat, Pray, Love. I'm really enjoying it.

Heather, didn't you just get a new camera? Does it use a lot of batteries? If so, the rechargeable ones last a lot longer. Ask Dad, I'm sure he has some down there in his cave.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Rani said...

Merry Christmas! Rani here (bubblie) just checking in. Good luck on your holiday knitting.

I'm not too familiar with Montessori, but I've heard good things.

Stay warm!

8:20 PM  

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