Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby.

7 years ago, about this time of the evening, I learned the joy of an epidural. Boy, was it ever JOY! Very ironic that during my pregnancy, I swore I did not want any drugs - I wanted "natural." Yeah, right!

After the epidural kicked in, I watched some ice skating from the Winter Olympics (they were in Salt Lake City, Utah that year), and took a nap. Yup. A nap. In the middle of "labor."

That's what I call some "Good Drugs".

About 6 hours after that, The Boy arrived, and my life has (thankfully) never been the same!

I really can't believe he's turning 7! How and when did this happen? It doesn't seem like he should be this big already, and yet sometimes, he seems like he's much older (and sometimes much younger - you should have seen the things he tried this evening to get me to let him open some presents before going to bed!).

He has such joy for life. He is my very proudest "accomplishment" in life. I am so glad he's my son, feel so privileged to be able to be called his mom, and I'm scared to death and excited as anything of the rest of our lives. I keep thinking I'm going to muck it up somehow. But then, he comes over to give me a hug without prompting, or concedes to give me a goodbye kiss in front of his classmates, and it's all better. Little boys DO love their Mommies, and I'm glad.

Happy Birthday Sweetie. I love you.



Blogger Theresa said...

Ahhh! Happy birth day!

And I hear you on the epidural. I too planned to go all natural. Well, during the early part of my pregnancy I wanted the drugs. Then after the birthing class, I decided I could do it all natural. But hello! pain! So I got the epidural and also took a nap! It was so good. If I ever have another, I'm planning for it ahead of time!

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's 7 either. It just doesn't seem possible. I still have that collecton of pictures...the one's where he used to make that face at me. I loved that little guy and I love the big one too, I'm just sad that I'm not around to see him grow up.

Til I can be there, I'll just have to keep buying him really cool presents. ; ) How's Hyperdash?

12:02 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Having never been through the birth experience, I could tell you right now that an epidural would be the way I'd go! I don't want to have my teeth worked on without Novocain, so why would I do something that has to be the worst pain ever without drugs? LOL. Although I said it by email, happy birthday to The Boy. He really sounds like a great kid.

10:52 AM  

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