Friday, March 17, 2006


Today I finished my student teaching assignment! I feel like I have accomplished something! I definitely learned a lot, and I hope I have gotten myself a job in the process! Both the Principal and Vice Principal had positive things to say to me, and asked me to think of them first when I am turining in my application. Definitely. I would love to teach at Marlton, which is where I did my student teaching. That is such a positive place. The community of teachers and staff there really make it a pleasant place to be. If everything works well, I will be there in the Fall.

Before I can do that, though, I need to get rolling on the Health Unit that I am supposed to be writing! I have only the outline done, and the assessment is just barely started. Then, I still have to make one complete lesson, create attachments, and a PowerPoint presentation. But yet, I am online, reading other people's knitting blogs and watching What Not To Wear out of the corner of my eye!

MUST FOCUS!!! Goodbye.


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